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Some preamble and conventions in this attempt

  • The only artist I have so far attempted in this test is Harry Plunket Greene which is where to start and look around.

Everything below is open for discusion


  • The simplest form is used Gramophone is The Gramophone Company, Gramophone & Typewriter, La voce del Padrone and anything else issued through this group of companies.
  • Columbia is treated in a similar manner. *Parlophone, Beka, Odeon will be under Lindström. As each company preserved its matrix independence until at least the end of the 78 period, there should be no confusion
  • Everything else will need to be worked out on a case by case basis

Matrix & Take Numbers

  • These are hell as they are designated and transcribed in all kinds of ways. For clarity I have presented each matrix as a single string 5848a but in order to avoid duplication I have reorted to the format Gramophone Matrix : 5848a or Gramophone Matrix : 0EA23432 or Gramophone Matrix : HO1345al. This should avoid any duplication across companies.
  • Take numbers are given in separate box. In the early period each matrix was also a single take, for these I have interpolated the format [1]. All other instances the takes are recorded as 1, 2 etc. For companies that issued takes as letters or symbols these will be converted to numerals for consistency. A page explaining each matrix system will be given for each company.



  • The title of a composition is something of an intractable issue. For clarity a work will be in two standard format in all pages.
  • On all pages apart from the composition page the work will in this format The Fairy Lough : An Irish Idyll in 6 Miniatures, Op.77 No.2 i.e 'title : work, Op.1 No.1' - Note that a colon with a space each sided separates say a lied and a collection that it belongs. Also the form for the opus should be 'Work, Op.1 No.1' not Op. 1, No. 1' or any other combination of dots and spaces.
  • The composition itself will be listed formally on the composer page and on the composition title the title will be given as An Irish Idyll in 6 Miniatures, Op.77 (Stanford, Charles Villiers) with any parts etc. of the composition given below within separate divisions
  • For composer with a large number of compositions a sub page or index page will have to be provided to avoid confusion.
  • In order not to reinvent any wheels I am generally following the convention on IMSLP and with this in mind there will be a link to ISMLP and Wikipedia on the composer and composition pages where they merit one.

Wikistuff below to leave for now

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